What is a Reasonable Accommodation under California Law?

Under California law an employer must make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an employee or applicant. Cal. Gov’t Code §12940(m); Dep’t of Fair Emp. & Hous. v. Lucent Technologies, Inc., 642 F.3d 728, 743 (9th Cir. 2011). A reasonable accommodation under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) is “a modification or adjustment […]


What’s in a Name? An Analysis of California Wage Statements and the Requirement that an Employer Provide both its Name and Address

“What’s in a name?” That was the question asked by the California Court of Appeal in Noori v. Countrywide Payroll & HR Solutions, Inc. (2019) 43 Cal. App. 5th 957, 964. California Labor Code Section 226(a)(8) requires employers to provide wage statements that list “the name and address of the legal entity that is the […]


Immigration Status Discrimination is Prohibited under California Employment Law

California law provides that employment law protections are extended to all workers “regardless of immigration status.” Cal Civ. Code § 3339. Furthermore, under California law, “a person’s immigration status is irrelevant to the issue of liability” and in a proceeding to enforce a person’s employment rights, “no inquiry shall be permitted into a person’s immigration […]


Pay for Reporting Time under California Law: Do On-Call Shifts Count?

California law requires employers to pay employees for “reporting time” under the following circumstances: (1) when employees are required to report for work, (2) do report but (3) are either not put to work or provided less than half of their usual daily shift or scheduled shift. See Industrial Welfare Commission (“IWC”) Wage Orders 1-16, Section 5; […]