A 54-year old Filipino woman, Shirley Galvan, worked for Dameron Hospital Association (Dameron) as a nurse for approximately twenty-five years. In 2011, Doreen Alvarez became Ms. Galvan’s supervisor and allegedly began harassing Ms. Galvan and other Filipino employees. Ms. Alvarez commented that the Filipino employees could not speak English, had thick accents, made too much money, were too old, and had been at Dameron too long. Ms. Alvarez threatened to “clean house” and repeatedly humiliated the Filipino employees by making derogatory statements about their accents, level of education, and work performance. Ms. Galvan went out on stress leave due to the anxiety she was experiencing as a result of this harassment. She was constructively terminated in 2014.
Ms. Galvan brought suit against Dameron and Ms. Alvarez, alleging that she had been discriminated against and harassed on the basis of her age and national origin, and constructively terminated in violation of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. Continue reading “Intolerable Working Conditions Support a Nurse’s Constructive Termination Claim” →