Your Employer is Prohibited from Retaliating Against You for Asking for an Accommodation

Under Rope v. Auto-Chlor System of Washington, Inc. (2013) 220 Cal.App.4th 635, an employee who requested an accommodation did not engage in a protected activity for purposes of a Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) retaliation claim. Workers’ rights advocates throughout the State celebrated when Gear-and-Gavel_goldGovernor Jerry Brown overturned the incorrect result in Rope and signed Assembly Bill (“AB”) 987 into law this year.

Under AB 987, employees no longer need to fear retaliation from their employers if they request a reasonable accommodation. Continue reading “Your Employer is Prohibited from Retaliating Against You for Asking for an Accommodation”


California Supreme Court Holds Fast Food Employee Cannot Sue Franchisor For Sexual Harassment Claims.

On August 28, 2014, the California Supreme Court ruled that Domino’s Pizza could not be held liable for sexual harassment claims by an employee of a franchisee. The highly anticipated decision came on the eve of Labor Day weekend, dealing a blow to franchisee employees seeking accountability and meaningful Gear-and-Gavel_blackcompensation from franchisors.

Continue reading “California Supreme Court Holds Fast Food Employee Cannot Sue Franchisor For Sexual Harassment Claims.”