Hunter Pyle to speak in Webinar re PAGA Claims

On April 6, 2015, at 10 am Pacific Standard Time, I will be be speaking in a webinar that is devoted to PAGA claims.  A description follows:

In the wake of the US Supreme Court’s decision not to interfere, for now, in California’s treatment of PAGA waivers in arbitration agreements, is PAGA poised to become the next “it” claim in wage and hour Gear-and-Gavel_dark-bluelitigation? This program will explore the ever changing PAGA landscape, offering practitioner insight into how best to prepare for the anticipated uptick of representative action litigation.

Topics include:

Evaluating the pros and cons of PAGA
Drafting Arbitration Agreements
Litigating PAGA Actions
Cases Sitting before the 9th Circuit
How Employers can avoid PAGA Claims

The Webinar Faculty: Lisa Brown – Grube Brown & Geidt LLP, Glenn Danas – Capstone Law APC, Hunter Pyle – Hunter Pyle Law.

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