Hunter Pyle to be honored as “Champion of Justice”

Hunter Pyle | February 23, 2018

Hunter will be honored at a Champion of Justice at the 2018 National Lawyers Guild San Francisco Testimonial Dinner.  The formal announcement is below:

Please join us on April 14, 2018, at 6 p.m., at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco for the annual NLGSF Testimonial Dinner.  We are coming together this year to Unite in Resistance against Trump and his racist, sexist, and xenophobic agenda.  The NLGSF, our members, and our allies are an essential part of this fight.  Be it in the streets, the courtroom, or the community, we are there to fight for justice

The testimonial Dinner is our opportunity to celebrate our work and highlight the tireless efforts of our community.

This year we are honoring Linda Fullerton and Hunter Pyle as our Champions of Justice.  April Martin is our Unsung Hero and the Anti Police-Terror Project will be recognized as our Partner in Liberation.  This is also a great chance to meet our new Executive Director, Jay Kim, and celebrate our outgoing Director, Cat Brooks.

Please buy your tickets today!


Please place an ad to recognize our honorees and the work of the NLGSF!